Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education Local plagiarisms Essay

Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education Local plagiarisms - Essay Example Therefore many institutions have laid out guidelines and rules concerning these vices, and even stipulated the penalties for anyone who does not comply. The issue of intertextuality is addressed, which involves the author borrowing and transforming a text or a reader referencing one text in reading another one. Transgressive intertextuality involves the breaching of acceptable borrowing practices. The interpretation of the concept of improper intertextuality varies from one lecturer to another, according to interviews conducted on lecturers from various disciplines. The reasons for this disparity include the unique expectations and practices of each discipline. The results of these interviews showed certain areas where students experienced problems in citing sources. These include poor paraphrasing, students’ identities as the authors, improper understanding of common knowledge, information contained in many sources such that it is difficult to pinpoint its source, and the uni que expectations and practices of each discipline. Therefore it is suggested that there should be a different definition of inappropriate intertextuality for each discipline in order to address various disciplinary perspectives. This paper seeks to evaluate how the problem of plagiarism and collusion is viewed and attempts to curb it in various academic institutions. The paper mainly focuses on the lecturer’s views about transgressive intertextuality in various disciplines like the humanities, history, languages, engineering, law and fashion. The paper has successfully tackled a number of issues. The lecturers’ responses mostly comprised of their own personal interpretations of intertextuality and the experiences that they had encountered while dealing with their students, therefore they were able to give a picture of the real situation that was taking place in the institutions. The paper also highlights the opinions about transgressive intertextuality in various disci plines; therefore the students can get to know what is expected of them in writing academic papers in their respective disciplines (Worton and Still 1991). Suggestions are also given on how to deal with transgressive intertextuality. The lecturers who were interviewed gave details about how they had punished the culprits and other steps that they had taken to reduce the misconduct. The study also highlights the future repercussions of indulging in plagiarism and collusion. Some of the interviewees expressed the feelings of anger and sympathy for those students who were practicing plagiarism because they felt that they were jeopardizing their careers. Cases of plagiarism can also lead to termination of grants. According to Maier (2011), plagiarism tarnishes the professional reputation of an individual and may make it hard to secure a job in the future because the prospective employers may view you as dishonest and lazy, and therefore not fit to work for them. The study also clarifies that it is not possible to treat the issue of transgressive intertextuality in the same manner across all disciplines because different disciplines have varying demands. For instance, a history student is expected to come up with an account from an existing text while a literature student tries to interpret and react to written works. Therefore any copying in literature is not tolerated while historians do not deal with it severely because they understand that students will always use other peoples work in writing

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